Java Units API
Build 2004-02-06

Uses of Class

Uses of Unit in javax.units

Subclasses of Unit in javax.units
 class AlternateUnit
           This class represents an alternate unit.
 class BaseUnit
           This class represents the building blocks on top of which all others units are created.
 class DerivedUnit
           This abstract class identifies derived units.
 class ProductUnit
           This class represents a product unit.
 class TransformedUnit
           This class represents a unit derived from another unit using a Converter.

Fields in javax.units declared as Unit
static Unit NonSI.PERCENT
          A unit equals to 0.01 (dimensionless).
static Unit NonSI.GALILEO
          A unit of acceleration equal to an acceleration of one centimeter per second per second.
static Unit NonSI.G
          A unit of acceleration equal to the gravity at the earth's surface.
static Unit NonSI.ATOM
          A unit of amount of substance equals to one atom.
static Unit NonSI.REVOLUTION
          A unit of angle equal to a full circle or 2π SI.RADIAN.
static Unit NonSI.DEGREE_ANGLE
          A unit of angle equal to 1/360 NonSI.REVOLUTION.
static Unit NonSI.MINUTE_ANGLE
          A unit of angle equal to 1/60 NonSI.DEGREE_ANGLE.
static Unit NonSI.SECOND_ANGLE
          A unit of angle equal to 1/60 NonSI.MINUTE_ANGLE.
          A unit of angle equal to 0.01 SI.RADIAN.
static Unit NonSI.GRADE
          A unit of angle measure equal to 1/400 NonSI.REVOLUTION.
static Unit NonSI.ARE
          A unit of area equal to 100 m².
static Unit NonSI.HECTARE
          A unit of area equal to 100 NonSI.ARE.
static Unit NonSI.BARN
          A unit of area equal to 100 fm².
static Unit NonSI.BYTE
          A unit of data amount equal to 8 bits (BinarY TErm).
static Unit NonSI.OCTET
          Equivalent NonSI.BYTE
static Unit NonSI.MINUTE
          A unit of duration equal to 60 s.
static Unit NonSI.HOUR
          A unit of duration equal to 60 NonSI.MINUTE.
static Unit NonSI.DAY
          A unit of duration equal to 24 NonSI.HOUR.
static Unit NonSI.WEEK
          A unit of duration equal to 7 NonSI.DAY.
static Unit NonSI.YEAR
          A unit of duration equal to 365 days, 5 hours, 49 minutes, and 12 seconds.
static Unit NonSI.MONTH
          A unit of duration equal to one twelfth of a year.
static Unit NonSI.DAY_SIDEREAL
          A unit of duration equal to the time required for a complete rotation of the earth in reference to any star or to the vernal equinox at the meridian, equal to 23 hours, 56 minutes, 4.09 seconds.
          A unit of duration equal to one complete revolution of the earth about the sun, relative to the fixed stars, or 365 days, 6 hours, 9 minutes, 9.54 seconds.
          A unit of duration equal to 365 NonSI.DAY.
static Unit NonSI.AEON
          A unit of duration equal to 1E9 NonSI.YEAR.
static Unit NonSI.E
          A unit of electric charge equal to the charge on one electron.
static Unit NonSI.FARADAY
          A unit of electric charge equal to equal to the product of Avogadro's number (see SI.MOLE) and the charge (1 e) on a single electron.
static Unit NonSI.FRANKLIN
          A unit of electric charge which exerts a force of one dyne on an equal charge at a distance of one centimeter.
static Unit NonSI.GILBERT
          A unit of electric charge equal to the centimeter-gram-second electromagnetic unit of magnetomotive force, equal to 10/4 π ampere-turn.
static Unit NonSI.BTU
          A unit of energy equal to 1055.056 J.
static Unit NonSI.BTU_TH
          A unit of energy equal to 1054.350 J (thermochemical).
static Unit NonSI.BTU_MEAN
          A unit of energy equal to 1055.87 J (mean).
static Unit NonSI.CALORIE
          A unit of energy equal to 4.1868 J (symbol cal).
          A unit of energy equal to one kilo-calorie (symbol Cal).
static Unit NonSI.ERG
          A unit of energy equal to 1E-7 J.
          A unit of energy equal to one electron-volt (symbol eV, also recognized keV, MeV, GeV).
static Unit NonSI.THERM
          A unit of energy equal to 105.4804E6 J (appr.).
static Unit NonSI.LAMBERT
          A unit of illuminance equal to 1E4 Lx.
static Unit NonSI.FOOT
          A unit of length equal to 0.3048 m (1959 Standard).
static Unit NonSI.YARD
          A unit of length equal to 0.9144 m (1959 Standard).
static Unit NonSI.INCH
          A unit of length equal to 0.0254 m (1959 Standard).
static Unit NonSI.MILE
          A unit of length equal to 1609.344 m.
          A unit of length equal to 1852.0 m.
static Unit NonSI.ANGSTROM
          A unit of length equal to 1E-10 m (symbol Å).
          A unit of length equal to the average distance from the center of the Earth to the center of the Sun.
static Unit NonSI.LIGHT_YEAR
          A unit of length equal to the distance that light travels in one year through a vacuum.
static Unit NonSI.PARSEC
          A unit of length equal to the distance at which a star would appear to shift its position by one arcsecond over the course the time (about 3 months) in which the Earth moves a distance of NonSI.ASTRONOMICAL_UNIT in the direction perpendicular to the direction to the star.
static Unit NonSI.BOHR
          A unit of length equal to the mean distance between the proton and the electron in an unexcited hydrogen atom.
static Unit NonSI.POINT
          A unit of length equal to 0.013837 NonSI.INCH exactly (standardized by the American Typefounders Association).
static Unit NonSI.PIXEL
          A unit of length equal to 1/72 NonSI.INCH.
          Equivalent NonSI.PIXEL
static Unit NonSI.PICA
          A unit of length equal to 12 NonSI.POINT.
static Unit NonSI.DIDOT
          A unit of length equal to 0.37592e-3 m.
static Unit NonSI.CICERO
          A unit of length equal to 12 NonSI.DIDOT.
static Unit NonSI.MAXWELL
          A unit of magnetic flux equal 1E-8 Wb.
static Unit NonSI.GAUSS
          A unit of magnetic flux density equal 1000 A/m.
static Unit NonSI.ATOMIC_MASS
          A unit of mass equal to 1/12 the mass of the carbon-12 atom.
          A unit of mass equal to the mass of the electron.
static Unit NonSI.CARAT
          A unit of mass equal to 200 milligrams.
static Unit NonSI.POUND
          A unit of mass equal to 453.59237 grams (avoirdupois pound).
static Unit NonSI.OUNCE
          A unit of mass equal to 1 / 16 NonSI.POUND.
static Unit NonSI.TON_US
          A unit of mass equal to 2000 NonSI.POUND (short ton).
static Unit NonSI.TON_UK
          A unit of mass equal to 2240 NonSI.POUND (long ton).
static Unit NonSI.METRIC_TON
          A unit of mass equal to 1000 kg (metric ton).
static Unit NonSI.DYNE
          A unit of force equal to 1E-5 N.
          A unit of force equal to 9.80665 N.
static Unit NonSI.POUND_FORCE
          A unit of force equal to NonSI.POUND * NonSI.G.
static Unit NonSI.HORSEPOWER
          A unit of power equal to the power required to raise a mass of 75 kilograms at a velocity of 1 meter per second (metric).
static Unit NonSI.ATMOSPHERE
          A unit of pressure equal to the average pressure of the Earth's atmosphere at sea level.
static Unit NonSI.BAR
          A unit of pressure equal to 100 kPa.
static Unit NonSI.MILLIBAR
          A unit of pressure equal to 1E-3 NonSI.BAR.
          A unit of pressure equal to the pressure exerted at the Earth's surface by a column of mercury 1 millimeter high.
          A unit of pressure equal to the pressure exerted at the Earth's surface by a column of mercury 1 inch high.
static Unit NonSI.RAD
          A unit of radiation dose absorbed equal to a dose of 0.01 joule of energy per kilogram of mass (J/kg).
static Unit NonSI.REM
          A unit of radiation dose effective equal to 0.01 Sv.
static Unit NonSI.CURIE
          A unit of radioctive activity equal to the activity of a gram of radium.
static Unit NonSI.RUTHERFORD
          A unit of radioctive activity equal to 1 million radioactive disintegrations per second.
static Unit NonSI.SPHERE
          A unit of solid angle equal to 4 π steradians.
static Unit NonSI.RANKINE
          A unit of temperature equal to 5/9 °K.
static Unit NonSI.FAHRENHEIT
          A unit of temperature equal to degree Rankine minus 459.67 °R.
static Unit NonSI.KNOT
          A unit of velocity equal to one NonSI.NAUTICAL_MILE per NonSI.HOUR.
static Unit NonSI.MACH
          A unit of velocity to express the speed of an aircraft relative to the speed of sound.
static Unit NonSI.C
          A unit of velocity relative to the speed of light.
static Unit NonSI.LITER
          A unit of volume equal to one cubic decimeter (symbol L, also recognized µL, mL, cL, dL, 1964 standard).
          A unit of volume equal to one US gallon, Liquid Unit.
static Unit NonSI.PINT_LIQUID_US
          A unit of volume equal to 1 / 8 NonSI.GALLON_LIQUID_US
static Unit NonSI.FLUID_OUNCE_US
          A unit of volume equal to 1 / 16 NonSI.PINT_LIQUID_US.
static Unit NonSI.GALLON_DRY_US
          A unit of volume equal to one US dry gallon.
static Unit NonSI.PINT_DRY_US
          A unit of volume equal to one 1 / 8 NonSI.GALLON_DRY_US
static Unit NonSI.GALLON_UK
          A unit of volume equal to 4.546 09 NonSI.LITER.
static Unit NonSI.PINT_UK
          A unit of volume equal to 1 / 8 NonSI.GALLON_UK
static Unit NonSI.FLUID_OUNCE_UK
          A unit of volume equal to 1 / 160 NonSI.GALLON_UK
static Unit NonSI.CUP_US
          A unit of volume equal to 8 NonSI.FLUID_OUNCE_US
static Unit NonSI.CUP_UK
          A unit of volume equal to 10 NonSI.FLUID_OUNCE_UK
          A unit of volume equal to 1 / 2 NonSI.FLUID_OUNCE_US
          A unit of volume equal to one 5 / 8 NonSI.FLUID_OUNCE_UK
static Unit NonSI.TEASPOON_US
          A unit of volume equal to 1 / 6 NonSI.FLUID_OUNCE_US
static Unit NonSI.TEASPOON_UK
          A unit of volume equal to 1 / 6 NonSI.FLUID_OUNCE_UK
          A unit of volume equal to 20.0 mL (Australian tablespoon).
static Unit NonSI.ROENTGEN
          A unit used to measure the ionizing ability of radiation.
static Unit SI.GRAM
          The derived unit for mass quantities (g).
static Unit SI.RADIAN
          The unit for plane angle quantities (rad).
static Unit SI.STERADIAN
          The unit for solid angle quantities (sr).
static Unit SI.BIT
          The unit for binary information (bit).
static Unit SI.HERTZ
          The derived unit for frequency (Hz).
static Unit SI.NEWTON
          The derived unit for force (N).
static Unit SI.PASCAL
          The derived unit for pressure, stress (Pa).
static Unit SI.JOULE
          The derived unit for energy, work, quantity of heat (J).
static Unit SI.WATT
          The derived unit for power, radiant, flux (W).
static Unit SI.COULOMB
          The derived unit for electric charge, quantity of electricity (C).
static Unit SI.VOLT
          The derived unit for electric potential difference, electromotive force (V).
static Unit SI.FARAD
          The derived unit for capacitance (F).
static Unit SI.OHM
          The derived unit for electric resistance (Ω).
static Unit SI.SIEMENS
          The derived unit for electric conductance (S).
static Unit SI.WEBER
          The derived unit for magnetic flux (Wb).
static Unit SI.TESLA
          The derived unit for magnetic flux density (T).
static Unit SI.HENRY
          The derived unit for inductance (H).
static Unit SI.CELSIUS
          The derived unit for Celsius temperature (°C).
static Unit SI.LUMEN
          The derived unit for luminous flux (lm).
static Unit SI.LUX
          The derived unit for illuminance (lx).
static Unit SI.BECQUEREL
          The derived unit for activity of a radionuclide (Bq).
static Unit SI.GRAY
          The derived unit for absorbed dose, specific energy (imparted), kerma (Gy).
static Unit SI.SIEVERT
          The derived unit for dose equivalent (Sv).
static Unit SI.KATAL
          The derived unit for catalytic activity (kat).
static Unit Unit.ONE
          Holds the dimensionless unit ONE.

Methods in javax.units that return Unit
 Unit AlternateUnit.getSystemUnit()
 Unit BaseUnit.getSystemUnit()
 Unit BaseUnit.getBaseUnits()
 Unit ProductUnit.getSystemUnit()
 Unit ProductUnit.Element.getUnit()
          Returns this element's unit.
static Unit SI.YOTTA(Unit unit)
          Returns the specified unit multiplied by the factor 1024
static Unit SI.ZETTA(Unit unit)
          Returns the specified unit multiplied by the factor 1021
static Unit SI.EXA(Unit unit)
          Returns the specified unit multiplied by the factor 1018
static Unit SI.PETA(Unit unit)
          Returns the specified unit multiplied by the factor 1015
static Unit SI.TERA(Unit unit)
          Returns the specified unit multiplied by the factor 1012
static Unit SI.GIGA(Unit unit)
          Returns the specified unit multiplied by the factor 109
static Unit SI.MEGA(Unit unit)
          Returns the specified unit multiplied by the factor 106
static Unit SI.KILO(Unit unit)
          Returns the specified unit multiplied by the factor 103
static Unit SI.HECTO(Unit unit)
          Returns the specified unit multiplied by the factor 102
static Unit SI.DEKA(Unit unit)
          Returns the specified unit multiplied by the factor 101
static Unit SI.DECI(Unit unit)
          Returns the specified unit multiplied by the factor 10-1
static Unit SI.CENTI(Unit unit)
          Returns the specified unit multiplied by the factor 10-2
static Unit SI.MILLI(Unit unit)
          Returns the specified unit multiplied by the factor 10-3
static Unit SI.MICRO(Unit unit)
          Returns the specified unit multiplied by the factor 10-6
static Unit SI.NANO(Unit unit)
          Returns the specified unit multiplied by the factor 10-9
static Unit SI.PICO(Unit unit)
          Returns the specified unit multiplied by the factor 10-12
static Unit SI.FEMTO(Unit unit)
          Returns the specified unit multiplied by the factor 10-15
static Unit SI.ATTO(Unit unit)
          Returns the specified unit multiplied by the factor 10-18
static Unit SI.ZEPTO(Unit unit)
          Returns the specified unit multiplied by the factor 10-21
static Unit SI.YOCTO(Unit unit)
          Returns the specified unit multiplied by the factor 10-24
static Unit TransformedUnit.getInstance(Unit parent, Converter toParent)
          Returns the unit derived from the specified unit using the specified converter.
 Unit TransformedUnit.getSystemUnit()
 Unit Unit.getDimension()
          Returns the units identifying the dimension of this unit.
abstract  Unit Unit.getSystemUnit()
          Returns the system unit for this unit.
 Unit Unit.alternate(String symbol)
          Returns a unit compatible to this unit except it uses the specified symbol.
 Unit Unit.add(double offset)
          Returns the result of adding an offset to this unit.
 Unit Unit.multiply(double scale)
          Returns the result of multiplying this unit by a scale factor.
 Unit Unit.multiply(Unit that)
          Returns the product of this unit with the one specified.
 Unit Unit.divide(Unit that)
          Returns the quotient of this unit with the one specified.
 Unit Unit.root(int n)
          Returns a unit equals to the given root of this unit.
 Unit Unit.pow(int n)
          Returns a unit equals to this unit raised to an exponent.
static Unit Unit.valueOf(CharSequence chars)
          Returns a unit instance that is defined from the specified character sequence.
static Unit Unit.searchSymbol(CharSequence symbol)
          Retrieves a unit from its symbol.
protected static Unit Unit.getInstance(Unit template)
          This method returns an Unit from the collection equals to the specified template.
static Unit UnitFormat.label(Unit unit, String label)
          Attaches a system-wide label to the specified unit.
static Unit UnitFormat.alias(Unit unit, String alias)
          Attaches a system-wide alias to the specified unit.
 Unit UnitFormat.parseUnit(CharSequence source)
          Parses text from a character sequence to produce a unit.
 Unit UnitFormat.unitFor(CharSequence label)
          Returns the unit identified by the specified label.

Methods in javax.units with parameters of type Unit
 void BaseUnit.setDimension(Unit unit, Converter toDimension)
          Optional operation: Sets the dimensional unit of this base unit.
static Unit SI.YOTTA(Unit unit)
          Returns the specified unit multiplied by the factor 1024
static Unit SI.ZETTA(Unit unit)
          Returns the specified unit multiplied by the factor 1021
static Unit SI.EXA(Unit unit)
          Returns the specified unit multiplied by the factor 1018
static Unit SI.PETA(Unit unit)
          Returns the specified unit multiplied by the factor 1015
static Unit SI.TERA(Unit unit)
          Returns the specified unit multiplied by the factor 1012
static Unit SI.GIGA(Unit unit)
          Returns the specified unit multiplied by the factor 109
static Unit SI.MEGA(Unit unit)
          Returns the specified unit multiplied by the factor 106
static Unit SI.KILO(Unit unit)
          Returns the specified unit multiplied by the factor 103
static Unit SI.HECTO(Unit unit)
          Returns the specified unit multiplied by the factor 102
static Unit SI.DEKA(Unit unit)
          Returns the specified unit multiplied by the factor 101
static Unit SI.DECI(Unit unit)
          Returns the specified unit multiplied by the factor 10-1
static Unit SI.CENTI(Unit unit)
          Returns the specified unit multiplied by the factor 10-2
static Unit SI.MILLI(Unit unit)
          Returns the specified unit multiplied by the factor 10-3
static Unit SI.MICRO(Unit unit)
          Returns the specified unit multiplied by the factor 10-6
static Unit SI.NANO(Unit unit)
          Returns the specified unit multiplied by the factor 10-9
static Unit SI.PICO(Unit unit)
          Returns the specified unit multiplied by the factor 10-12
static Unit SI.FEMTO(Unit unit)
          Returns the specified unit multiplied by the factor 10-15
static Unit SI.ATTO(Unit unit)
          Returns the specified unit multiplied by the factor 10-18
static Unit SI.ZEPTO(Unit unit)
          Returns the specified unit multiplied by the factor 10-21
static Unit SI.YOCTO(Unit unit)
          Returns the specified unit multiplied by the factor 10-24
static Unit TransformedUnit.getInstance(Unit parent, Converter toParent)
          Returns the unit derived from the specified unit using the specified converter.
 boolean Unit.isCompatible(Unit that)
          Indicates if this unit is compatible with the unit specified.
 Converter Unit.getConverterTo(Unit that)
          Returns a converter of numeric values from this unit to another unit.
 Unit Unit.multiply(Unit that)
          Returns the product of this unit with the one specified.
 Unit Unit.divide(Unit that)
          Returns the quotient of this unit with the one specified.
protected static Unit Unit.getInstance(Unit template)
          This method returns an Unit from the collection equals to the specified template.
static Unit UnitFormat.label(Unit unit, String label)
          Attaches a system-wide label to the specified unit.
static Unit UnitFormat.alias(Unit unit, String alias)
          Attaches a system-wide alias to the specified unit.
 String UnitFormat.labelFor(Unit unit)
          Returns the label for the specified unit.

Java Units API
Build 2004-02-06

Symbols, terms and definitions
JSR-108 project