Java Units API
Build 2004-02-06

Class AlternateUnit

  extended byUnit
      extended byDerivedUnit
          extended byAlternateUnit
All Implemented Interfaces:

public final class AlternateUnit
extends DerivedUnit

This class represents an alternate unit. Alternate units are used in expressions to distinguish between quantities of a different nature but of the same dimensions (e.g. alternate unit rad distinguishes angular acceleration rad/s² from scalar acceleration 1/s²).

Instances of this class are created using the Unit.alternate(java.lang.String) method.

See Also:
Unit.alternate(java.lang.String), Serialized Form

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class Unit
Method Summary
 boolean equals(Object that)
          Indicates if this unit is equal to the object specified.
 String getSymbol()
          Returns the symbol for this alternate unit.
 Unit getSystemUnit()
          Returns the system unit for this unit.
Methods inherited from class Unit
add, alternate, appendTo, divide, getConverterTo, getDimension, getInstance, getInstances, hashCode, isCompatible, isSystemUnit, multiply, multiply, pow, readResolve, root, searchSymbol, toString, valueOf
Methods inherited from class Object
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public final String getSymbol()
Returns the symbol for this alternate unit.

this alternate unit's symbol.


public Unit getSystemUnit()
Description copied from class: Unit
Returns the system unit for this unit. The system unit identifies the nature of the quantity being measured using this unit.

Note: Having the same system units is not sufficient to ensure that a converter exists between the two units (e.g. °C/m and K/m).

Specified by:
getSystemUnit in class Unit
the system unit for this unit.
See Also:


public boolean equals(Object that)
Description copied from class: Unit
Indicates if this unit is equal to the object specified. Units are unique and immutable, therefore users might want to use == to test for equality.

Specified by:
equals in class Unit
that - the object to compare for equality.
true if this unit and the specified object are considered equal; false otherwise.

Java Units API
Build 2004-02-06

Symbols, terms and definitions
JSR-108 project