Java Units API
Build 2004-02-06

Serialized Form

Class AddConverter extends Converter implements Serializable

Serialized Fields


double _offset
Holds the offset.

Class AlternateUnit extends DerivedUnit implements Serializable

Serialized Fields


Unit _baseUnits
Holds the base units for this alternate unit (base unit or product of base units).

Class BaseUnit extends Unit implements Serializable

Serialized Fields


Unit _dimension
Holds the dimension of this base unit (default: this).


Converter _toDimension
Holds the converter to this unit's dimension (default: IDENTITY).

Class ConversionException extends RuntimeException implements Serializable

Class Converter extends Object implements Serializable

Class DerivedUnit extends Unit implements Serializable

Class MultiplyConverter extends Converter implements Serializable

Serialized Fields


double _factor
Holds the scale factor.

Class ProductUnit extends DerivedUnit implements Serializable

Serialized Fields


ProductUnit.Element[] _elements
Holds the units composing this product unit.

Class ProductUnit.Element extends Object implements Serializable

Serialized Fields


Unit _unit
Holds the single unit.


int _pow
Holds the power exponent.


int _root
Holds the root exponent.

Class TransformedUnit extends DerivedUnit implements Serializable

Serialized Fields


Unit _systemUnit
Holds the system unit.


Converter _toSystem
Holds the converter to the system unit.

Class Unit extends Object implements Serializable

Serialization Methods


protected Object readResolve()
Overrides readResolve() to ensure that deserialization maintains unit's unicity.

Serialized Fields


String _symbol
Holds the unit's symbol or null if none (e.g. ProductUnit, TransformedUnit).

Class UnitFormat extends Format implements Serializable

Java Units API
Build 2004-02-06

Symbols, terms and definitions
JSR-108 project