Java Units API
Build 2004-02-06

Class NonSI

  extended byNonSI

public final class NonSI
extends Object

This class contains units that are not part of the International System of Units, that is, they are outside the SI, but are important and widely used.

Field Summary
static Unit AEON
          A unit of duration equal to 1E9 YEAR.
static Unit ANGSTROM
          A unit of length equal to 1E-10 m (symbol Å).
static Unit ARE
          A unit of area equal to 100 m².
          A unit of length equal to the average distance from the center of the Earth to the center of the Sun.
static Unit ATMOSPHERE
          A unit of pressure equal to the average pressure of the Earth's atmosphere at sea level.
static Unit ATOM
          A unit of amount of substance equals to one atom.
static Unit ATOMIC_MASS
          A unit of mass equal to 1/12 the mass of the carbon-12 atom.
static Unit BAR
          A unit of pressure equal to 100 kPa.
static Unit BARN
          A unit of area equal to 100 fm².
static Unit BOHR
          A unit of length equal to the mean distance between the proton and the electron in an unexcited hydrogen atom.
static Unit BTU
          A unit of energy equal to 1055.056 J.
static Unit BTU_MEAN
          A unit of energy equal to 1055.87 J (mean).
static Unit BTU_TH
          A unit of energy equal to 1054.350 J (thermochemical).
static Unit BYTE
          A unit of data amount equal to 8 bits (BinarY TErm).
static Unit C
          A unit of velocity relative to the speed of light.
static Unit CALORIE
          A unit of energy equal to 4.1868 J (symbol cal).
static Unit CARAT
          A unit of mass equal to 200 milligrams.
          A unit of angle equal to 0.01 SI.RADIAN.
static Unit CICERO
          A unit of length equal to 12 DIDOT.
          Equivalent PIXEL
static Unit CUP_UK
          A unit of volume equal to 10 FLUID_OUNCE_UK
static Unit CUP_US
          A unit of volume equal to 8 FLUID_OUNCE_US
static Unit CURIE
          A unit of radioctive activity equal to the activity of a gram of radium.
static Unit DAY
          A unit of duration equal to 24 HOUR.
static Unit DAY_SIDEREAL
          A unit of duration equal to the time required for a complete rotation of the earth in reference to any star or to the vernal equinox at the meridian, equal to 23 hours, 56 minutes, 4.09 seconds.
static Unit DEGREE_ANGLE
          A unit of angle equal to 1/360 REVOLUTION.
static Unit DIDOT
          A unit of length equal to 0.37592e-3 m.
static Unit DYNE
          A unit of force equal to 1E-5 N.
static Unit E
          A unit of electric charge equal to the charge on one electron.
          A unit of mass equal to the mass of the electron.
          A unit of energy equal to one electron-volt (symbol eV, also recognized keV, MeV, GeV).
static Unit ERG
          A unit of energy equal to 1E-7 J.
static Unit FAHRENHEIT
          A unit of temperature equal to degree Rankine minus 459.67 °R.
static Unit FARADAY
          A unit of electric charge equal to equal to the product of Avogadro's number (see SI.MOLE) and the charge (1 e) on a single electron.
static Unit FLUID_OUNCE_UK
          A unit of volume equal to 1 / 160 GALLON_UK
static Unit FLUID_OUNCE_US
          A unit of volume equal to 1 / 16 PINT_LIQUID_US.
static Unit FOOT
          A unit of length equal to 0.3048 m (1959 Standard).
static Unit FRANKLIN
          A unit of electric charge which exerts a force of one dyne on an equal charge at a distance of one centimeter.
static Unit G
          A unit of acceleration equal to the gravity at the earth's surface.
static Unit GALILEO
          A unit of acceleration equal to an acceleration of one centimeter per second per second.
static Unit GALLON_DRY_US
          A unit of volume equal to one US dry gallon.
          A unit of volume equal to one US gallon, Liquid Unit.
static Unit GALLON_UK
          A unit of volume equal to 4.546 09 LITER.
static Unit GAUSS
          A unit of magnetic flux density equal 1000 A/m.
static Unit GILBERT
          A unit of electric charge equal to the centimeter-gram-second electromagnetic unit of magnetomotive force, equal to 10/4 π ampere-turn.
static Unit GRADE
          A unit of angle measure equal to 1/400 REVOLUTION.
static Unit HECTARE
          A unit of area equal to 100 ARE.
static Unit HORSEPOWER
          A unit of power equal to the power required to raise a mass of 75 kilograms at a velocity of 1 meter per second (metric).
static Unit HOUR
          A unit of duration equal to 60 MINUTE.
static Unit INCH
          A unit of length equal to 0.0254 m (1959 Standard).
          A unit of pressure equal to the pressure exerted at the Earth's surface by a column of mercury 1 inch high.
          A unit of energy equal to one kilo-calorie (symbol Cal).
          A unit of force equal to 9.80665 N.
static Unit KNOT
          A unit of velocity equal to one NAUTICAL_MILE per HOUR.
static Unit LAMBERT
          A unit of illuminance equal to 1E4 Lx.
static Unit LIGHT_YEAR
          A unit of length equal to the distance that light travels in one year through a vacuum.
static Unit LITER
          A unit of volume equal to one cubic decimeter (symbol L, also recognized µL, mL, cL, dL, 1964 standard).
static Unit MACH
          A unit of velocity to express the speed of an aircraft relative to the speed of sound.
static Unit MAXWELL
          A unit of magnetic flux equal 1E-8 Wb.
static Unit METRIC_TON
          A unit of mass equal to 1000 kg (metric ton).
static Unit MILE
          A unit of length equal to 1609.344 m.
static Unit MILLIBAR
          A unit of pressure equal to 1E-3 BAR.
          A unit of pressure equal to the pressure exerted at the Earth's surface by a column of mercury 1 millimeter high.
static Unit MINUTE
          A unit of duration equal to 60 s.
static Unit MINUTE_ANGLE
          A unit of angle equal to 1/60 DEGREE_ANGLE.
static Unit MONTH
          A unit of duration equal to one twelfth of a year.
          A unit of length equal to 1852.0 m.
static Unit OCTET
          Equivalent BYTE
static Unit OUNCE
          A unit of mass equal to 1 / 16 POUND.
static Unit PARSEC
          A unit of length equal to the distance at which a star would appear to shift its position by one arcsecond over the course the time (about 3 months) in which the Earth moves a distance of ASTRONOMICAL_UNIT in the direction perpendicular to the direction to the star.
static Unit PERCENT
          A unit equals to 0.01 (dimensionless).
static Unit PICA
          A unit of length equal to 12 POINT.
static Unit PINT_DRY_US
          A unit of volume equal to one 1 / 8 GALLON_DRY_US
static Unit PINT_LIQUID_US
          A unit of volume equal to 1 / 8 GALLON_LIQUID_US
static Unit PINT_UK
          A unit of volume equal to 1 / 8 GALLON_UK
static Unit PIXEL
          A unit of length equal to 1/72 INCH.
static Unit POINT
          A unit of length equal to 0.013837 INCH exactly (standardized by the American Typefounders Association).
static Unit POUND
          A unit of mass equal to 453.59237 grams (avoirdupois pound).
static Unit POUND_FORCE
          A unit of force equal to POUND * G.
static Unit RAD
          A unit of radiation dose absorbed equal to a dose of 0.01 joule of energy per kilogram of mass (J/kg).
static Unit RANKINE
          A unit of temperature equal to 5/9 °K.
static Unit REM
          A unit of radiation dose effective equal to 0.01 Sv.
static Unit REVOLUTION
          A unit of angle equal to a full circle or 2π SI.RADIAN.
static Unit ROENTGEN
          A unit used to measure the ionizing ability of radiation.
static Unit RUTHERFORD
          A unit of radioctive activity equal to 1 million radioactive disintegrations per second.
static Unit SECOND_ANGLE
          A unit of angle equal to 1/60 MINUTE_ANGLE.
static Unit SPHERE
          A unit of solid angle equal to 4 π steradians.
          A unit of volume equal to 20.0 mL (Australian tablespoon).
          A unit of volume equal to one 5 / 8 FLUID_OUNCE_UK
          A unit of volume equal to 1 / 2 FLUID_OUNCE_US
static Unit TEASPOON_UK
          A unit of volume equal to 1 / 6 FLUID_OUNCE_UK
static Unit TEASPOON_US
          A unit of volume equal to 1 / 6 FLUID_OUNCE_US
static Unit THERM
          A unit of energy equal to 105.4804E6 J (appr.).
static Unit TON_UK
          A unit of mass equal to 2240 POUND (long ton).
static Unit TON_US
          A unit of mass equal to 2000 POUND (short ton).
static Unit WEEK
          A unit of duration equal to 7 DAY.
static Unit YARD
          A unit of length equal to 0.9144 m (1959 Standard).
static Unit YEAR
          A unit of duration equal to 365 days, 5 hours, 49 minutes, and 12 seconds.
          A unit of duration equal to 365 DAY.
          A unit of duration equal to one complete revolution of the earth about the sun, relative to the fixed stars, or 365 days, 6 hours, 9 minutes, 9.54 seconds.
Methods inherited from class Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final Unit PERCENT
A unit equals to 0.01 (dimensionless).


public static final Unit GALILEO
A unit of acceleration equal to an acceleration of one centimeter per second per second.


public static final Unit G
A unit of acceleration equal to the gravity at the earth's surface.


public static final Unit ATOM
A unit of amount of substance equals to one atom.


public static final Unit REVOLUTION
A unit of angle equal to a full circle or 2π SI.RADIAN.


public static final Unit DEGREE_ANGLE
A unit of angle equal to 1/360 REVOLUTION.


public static final Unit MINUTE_ANGLE
A unit of angle equal to 1/60 DEGREE_ANGLE.


public static final Unit SECOND_ANGLE
A unit of angle equal to 1/60 MINUTE_ANGLE.


public static final Unit CENTIRADIAN
A unit of angle equal to 0.01 SI.RADIAN.


public static final Unit GRADE
A unit of angle measure equal to 1/400 REVOLUTION.


public static final Unit ARE
A unit of area equal to 100 m².


public static final Unit HECTARE
A unit of area equal to 100 ARE.


public static final Unit BARN
A unit of area equal to 100 fm².


public static final Unit BYTE
A unit of data amount equal to 8 bits (BinarY TErm).


public static final Unit OCTET
Equivalent BYTE


public static final Unit MINUTE
A unit of duration equal to 60 s.


public static final Unit HOUR
A unit of duration equal to 60 MINUTE.


public static final Unit DAY
A unit of duration equal to 24 HOUR.


public static final Unit WEEK
A unit of duration equal to 7 DAY.


public static final Unit YEAR
A unit of duration equal to 365 days, 5 hours, 49 minutes, and 12 seconds.


public static final Unit MONTH
A unit of duration equal to one twelfth of a year.


public static final Unit DAY_SIDEREAL
A unit of duration equal to the time required for a complete rotation of the earth in reference to any star or to the vernal equinox at the meridian, equal to 23 hours, 56 minutes, 4.09 seconds.


public static final Unit YEAR_SIDEREAL
A unit of duration equal to one complete revolution of the earth about the sun, relative to the fixed stars, or 365 days, 6 hours, 9 minutes, 9.54 seconds.


public static final Unit YEAR_CALENDAR
A unit of duration equal to 365 DAY.


public static final Unit AEON
A unit of duration equal to 1E9 YEAR.


public static final Unit E
A unit of electric charge equal to the charge on one electron.


public static final Unit FARADAY
A unit of electric charge equal to equal to the product of Avogadro's number (see SI.MOLE) and the charge (1 e) on a single electron.


public static final Unit FRANKLIN
A unit of electric charge which exerts a force of one dyne on an equal charge at a distance of one centimeter.


public static final Unit GILBERT
A unit of electric charge equal to the centimeter-gram-second electromagnetic unit of magnetomotive force, equal to 10/4 π ampere-turn.


public static final Unit BTU
A unit of energy equal to 1055.056 J.


public static final Unit BTU_TH
A unit of energy equal to 1054.350 J (thermochemical).


public static final Unit BTU_MEAN
A unit of energy equal to 1055.87 J (mean).


public static final Unit CALORIE
A unit of energy equal to 4.1868 J (symbol cal).


public static final Unit KILOCALORIE
A unit of energy equal to one kilo-calorie (symbol Cal). This is the most common unit of heat energy.


public static final Unit ERG
A unit of energy equal to 1E-7 J.


public static final Unit ELECTRON_VOLT
A unit of energy equal to one electron-volt (symbol eV, also recognized keV, MeV, GeV).


public static final Unit THERM
A unit of energy equal to 105.4804E6 J (appr.).


public static final Unit LAMBERT
A unit of illuminance equal to 1E4 Lx.


public static final Unit FOOT
A unit of length equal to 0.3048 m (1959 Standard).


public static final Unit YARD
A unit of length equal to 0.9144 m (1959 Standard).


public static final Unit INCH
A unit of length equal to 0.0254 m (1959 Standard).


public static final Unit MILE
A unit of length equal to 1609.344 m.


public static final Unit NAUTICAL_MILE
A unit of length equal to 1852.0 m.


public static final Unit ANGSTROM
A unit of length equal to 1E-10 m (symbol Å).


public static final Unit ASTRONOMICAL_UNIT
A unit of length equal to the average distance from the center of the Earth to the center of the Sun.


public static final Unit LIGHT_YEAR
A unit of length equal to the distance that light travels in one year through a vacuum.


public static final Unit PARSEC
A unit of length equal to the distance at which a star would appear to shift its position by one arcsecond over the course the time (about 3 months) in which the Earth moves a distance of ASTRONOMICAL_UNIT in the direction perpendicular to the direction to the star.


public static final Unit BOHR
A unit of length equal to the mean distance between the proton and the electron in an unexcited hydrogen atom.


public static final Unit POINT
A unit of length equal to 0.013837 INCH exactly (standardized by the American Typefounders Association).

See Also:


public static final Unit PIXEL
A unit of length equal to 1/72 INCH. It is the American point rounded to an even 1/72 inch.

See Also:


public static final Unit COMPUTER_POINT
Equivalent PIXEL


public static final Unit PICA
A unit of length equal to 12 POINT.

See Also:


public static final Unit DIDOT
A unit of length equal to 0.37592e-3 m.


public static final Unit CICERO
A unit of length equal to 12 DIDOT.


public static final Unit MAXWELL
A unit of magnetic flux equal 1E-8 Wb.


public static final Unit GAUSS
A unit of magnetic flux density equal 1000 A/m.


public static final Unit ATOMIC_MASS
A unit of mass equal to 1/12 the mass of the carbon-12 atom.


public static final Unit ELECTRON_MASS
A unit of mass equal to the mass of the electron.


public static final Unit CARAT
A unit of mass equal to 200 milligrams.


public static final Unit POUND
A unit of mass equal to 453.59237 grams (avoirdupois pound).


public static final Unit OUNCE
A unit of mass equal to 1 / 16 POUND.


public static final Unit TON_US
A unit of mass equal to 2000 POUND (short ton).


public static final Unit TON_UK
A unit of mass equal to 2240 POUND (long ton).


public static final Unit METRIC_TON
A unit of mass equal to 1000 kg (metric ton).


public static final Unit DYNE
A unit of force equal to 1E-5 N.


public static final Unit KILOGRAM_FORCE
A unit of force equal to 9.80665 N.


public static final Unit POUND_FORCE
A unit of force equal to POUND * G.


public static final Unit HORSEPOWER
A unit of power equal to the power required to raise a mass of 75 kilograms at a velocity of 1 meter per second (metric).


public static final Unit ATMOSPHERE
A unit of pressure equal to the average pressure of the Earth's atmosphere at sea level.


public static final Unit BAR
A unit of pressure equal to 100 kPa.


public static final Unit MILLIBAR
A unit of pressure equal to 1E-3 BAR.


public static final Unit MILLIMETER_OF_MERCURY
A unit of pressure equal to the pressure exerted at the Earth's surface by a column of mercury 1 millimeter high.


public static final Unit INCH_OF_MERCURY
A unit of pressure equal to the pressure exerted at the Earth's surface by a column of mercury 1 inch high.


public static final Unit RAD
A unit of radiation dose absorbed equal to a dose of 0.01 joule of energy per kilogram of mass (J/kg).


public static final Unit REM
A unit of radiation dose effective equal to 0.01 Sv.


public static final Unit CURIE
A unit of radioctive activity equal to the activity of a gram of radium.


public static final Unit RUTHERFORD
A unit of radioctive activity equal to 1 million radioactive disintegrations per second.


public static final Unit SPHERE
A unit of solid angle equal to 4 π steradians.


public static final Unit RANKINE
A unit of temperature equal to 5/9 °K.


public static final Unit FAHRENHEIT
A unit of temperature equal to degree Rankine minus 459.67 °R.

See Also:


public static final Unit KNOT
A unit of velocity equal to one NAUTICAL_MILE per HOUR.


public static final Unit MACH
A unit of velocity to express the speed of an aircraft relative to the speed of sound.


public static final Unit C
A unit of velocity relative to the speed of light.


public static final Unit LITER
A unit of volume equal to one cubic decimeter (symbol L, also recognized µL, mL, cL, dL, 1964 standard).


public static final Unit GALLON_LIQUID_US
A unit of volume equal to one US gallon, Liquid Unit. The U.S. liquid gallon is based on the Queen Anne or Wine gallon occupying 231 cubic inches.


public static final Unit PINT_LIQUID_US
A unit of volume equal to 1 / 8 GALLON_LIQUID_US


public static final Unit FLUID_OUNCE_US
A unit of volume equal to 1 / 16 PINT_LIQUID_US.


public static final Unit GALLON_DRY_US
A unit of volume equal to one US dry gallon.


public static final Unit PINT_DRY_US
A unit of volume equal to one 1 / 8 GALLON_DRY_US


public static final Unit GALLON_UK
A unit of volume equal to 4.546 09 LITER.


public static final Unit PINT_UK
A unit of volume equal to 1 / 8 GALLON_UK


public static final Unit FLUID_OUNCE_UK
A unit of volume equal to 1 / 160 GALLON_UK


public static final Unit CUP_US
A unit of volume equal to 8 FLUID_OUNCE_US


public static final Unit CUP_UK
A unit of volume equal to 10 FLUID_OUNCE_UK


public static final Unit TABLESPOON_US
A unit of volume equal to 1 / 2 FLUID_OUNCE_US


public static final Unit TABLESPOON_UK
A unit of volume equal to one 5 / 8 FLUID_OUNCE_UK


public static final Unit TEASPOON_US
A unit of volume equal to 1 / 6 FLUID_OUNCE_US


public static final Unit TEASPOON_UK
A unit of volume equal to 1 / 6 FLUID_OUNCE_UK


public static final Unit TABLESPOON_AU
A unit of volume equal to 20.0 mL (Australian tablespoon).


public static final Unit ROENTGEN
A unit used to measure the ionizing ability of radiation.

Java Units API
Build 2004-02-06

Symbols, terms and definitions
JSR-108 project