Java Units API
Build 2004-02-06

Uses of Class

Uses of Converter in javax.units

Subclasses of Converter in javax.units
 class AddConverter
           This class represents an add converter.
 class MultiplyConverter
           This class represents a multiply converter.

Fields in javax.units declared as Converter
static Converter Converter.IDENTITY
          Holds the identity converter.

Methods in javax.units that return Converter
 Converter AddConverter.inverse()
 Converter AddConverter.concatenate(Converter converter)
abstract  Converter Converter.inverse()
          Returns the inverse of this converter.
 Converter Converter.concatenate(Converter converter)
          Concatenates this converter with another converter.
 Converter MultiplyConverter.inverse()
 Converter MultiplyConverter.concatenate(Converter converter)
 Converter Unit.getConverterTo(Unit that)
          Returns a converter of numeric values from this unit to another unit.

Methods in javax.units with parameters of type Converter
 Converter AddConverter.concatenate(Converter converter)
 void BaseUnit.setDimension(Unit unit, Converter toDimension)
          Optional operation: Sets the dimensional unit of this base unit.
 Converter Converter.concatenate(Converter converter)
          Concatenates this converter with another converter.
 Converter MultiplyConverter.concatenate(Converter converter)
static Unit TransformedUnit.getInstance(Unit parent, Converter toParent)
          Returns the unit derived from the specified unit using the specified converter.

Java Units API
Build 2004-02-06

Symbols, terms and definitions
JSR-108 project